Sunday, December 13, 2015

The cabin-CFNM
Part three

Over the course of the next two weeks, Marty and the girls became friends, although he was still pretty sensitive about their teasing in regards to their first encounters, he welcomed them over for evening camp fires and cookouts.
They also would come over to swim in the pond, but no skinny dipping, Marty made them promise, unless it was the girls who did the skinny dipping.
One afternoon they had arranged to get together and just hang out, since it was overcast and misty, they were to just play some games back at the cabin. Karen had come over first to tidy up then she and Marty walked back to the bridge to meet Christine and Shelly.
Marty was wearing his sweats and a t-shirt, Karen was dressed in a similar fashion. They were almost to the bridge when they heard cries for help.
Marty ran ahead to see Christine kneeling on the footbridge trying to help Shelly who had slipped on the wet bridge and was now clinging to one of the trusses under the bridge. It wasn't that far to drop, but the water wasn't very deep, if she landed wrong she could be badly hurt.
Marty wasted no time in assessing the situation, he climbed over the rail and reached out for Shelly, who was obviously panicked and nearly hysterical.
“What happened?” He heard Karen ask Christine.
“She slipped on the wet boards and slid right under the rail.” was the reply.
Marty took all this in while he reached out for Shelly with one hand. Karen grabbed his wrist to help him maintain his grip on the bridge and Christine was ready to grab anything she could to help. then things happened in a flurry, Shelly again in a fit of panic, grabbed for Marty's shoulders, but she missed and grabbed him around the chest, Christine then grabbed Marty's other wrist as his hand swung through the air trying to grab the bottom of the bridge. Shelly slipped down Marty's torso and she desperately clutched at his legs as she slid down, all this happened in a flash and as Shelly clutched at his legs she pulled Marty's sweats down around his knees.
Before Marty could say or do anything Shelly tried scampering up to safety, she was grabbing at anything close, naturally the closet thing to grab was the back of Marty's underwear. As she fell back toward the river below she took Marty's underwear and sweats with her.
Now Marty was hanging bottomless from the bridge looking down to she Shelly pop up from the water empty handed. She had let go of his clothes as she fell and now they were being swept downstream with the current.
Marty tried pulling himself up but was too tired from having been supporting Shelly too. Christine and Karen were doing their best to help, but as she grabbed his shirt to try and pull him up Marty lost his grip and he too fell into the river, leaning Christine holding his shirt, which she dropped as she saw Marty fall.
Luckily both Marty and Shelly had fallen into a deeper part of the river and the water had broken their fall. But once again Marty was naked around the three young women, with his clothes heading downstream.
Marty's first concern was Shelly and once he had helped upon the riverbank, he turned to look for his clothes. He saw a flash of white which he guessed was his shirt and began to chase it. The three young women followed along on the bank as Marty splashed naked downstream.
It didn't take long for the women to begin to giggle as they watched Marty's fruitless attempt to catch his duds. After several minutes of chasing Marty gave up, but as he tried to wade back upstream he found the current was too strong. He looked at the bank on his side of the river, but ti was too overgrown with brambles and briars to try and climb out there, he could barely see the girls through the undergrowth, although they could see him clearly enough.
They stifled their giggles as Marty fought to maintain his spot against the current.
“What are you gonna do Marty?” Shelly asked.
“Don't know yet,” Marty managed to get out. He could float downriver, but that would mean getting out by the bridge and then walking naked along the road to his house. He looked across to the state side of the river and saw there was more of a cleared area. If he could make it across the river he could walk back and cross the footbridge.
That was what he decided to do. The three women watched him wade across to the other side of the river and scramble up the riverbank, which proved difficult and he slipped a time or two before he managed to get out. Now he was not only naked, but muddy as well.
Since the weather was cloudy and wet Marty didn't meet anyone on the path to the bridge, but he was in plain sight for the three women pretty much the whole way, and they didn't let any chance go by without getting a good look at him.
They met him as he crossed the footbridge, and when he covered himself with his hands Karen laughed and said, “Don't you think its a little late for that Marty?”
Marty just grumbled at her and he headed for home, accompanied by the trio of happy women. As they entered the yard Marty took a beeline for the cabin, but Karen called out stopping him.
“You're not going in the house like that,” she said, “You're a mess, go shower in the barn.”
Marty knew she was right, he was splattered and caked with mud, and he would make a huge mess in the cabin. He beat the girls to the barn and shut the door, thinking he was finally alone, but he had barely gotten into the shower then he heard the door and suddenly the barn was filled with the outside light. Sure enough as he peered out the shower enclosure he saw the three of them standing there.
Marty finished showering and cracked the door open just enough to reach his towel, but not really much of a surprise to him, the towel was missing. He looked toward the trio and winched, there was his towel, hanging over Shelly's shoulders.
“You don't mind do you?” Asked Christine, “Shelly was cold from falling into the river.”
Marty sighed, and then made a break for the house.
Christine started to follow, but Karen said, “Relax, he'll be back.” And she held up the keyring with the house keys on it.
As the women walked through the door of the barn, they saw a beaten and utterly defeated Marty walking back to them, his arms dangling at his side. No matter what he tried, he knew he would be spending the rest of the day, naked, being the object of his friends attention.

The end.

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